Twin Flames Both Married To Someone Else What To Do – Should I Get Divorce For My Twin Flame?

One of the hardest things in twin flames connection is bad timing.

It’s hard enough realizing that all your life there’s that perfect someone for you who search for you too and lived not too satisfying life so far without you, but once both of you are married or in a relationship with family or kids, it’s much harder.

What can you do if you and your twin flame are both married but not to each other? 

Let’s try to solve this thing and first – you must check if this is your true twinflame.

Once married people get to the routine of family life and sometimes one or two of the parties stops investing in the relationship, it makes one or both of them feel a huge emotional and sometimes physical void, and it leads into loneliness.

And then the knight on the white horse or the shining princess arrives, they both lonely, in need and they find exactly what they were searching for to complete all the missing things in their marriage life.

It’s easy. You got together just the fun part of the relationship, no kids, no bills, no boring routine and this strong passion that light up your life.

There’s no judgment because you are in love and blinded and you find someone who shares the same frustration, which gives your connection a stable ground to start from and you are right away sure that this is your one and true love – You have found your twinflame!

Reality check – is this really your twin flame

Since a lover is getting into our life when we are in a very big need for love and affection and so are they, and they light this fire of passion within us, it’s hard to determine if this is a true twinflame or just a soulmate who came into our life to trigger us to recheck our life, our relationships, our goals, and our needs.

Just try to think about it that after not eating for 2 weeks, even a dried bread will be tasty.. You understand what I mean?


Don’t rush to conclusions that this is your true twinflame.

Don’t rush to break up your marriage life.

I see people falling in love with the fantasy of dreamy lover, and they mess their whole life to discover that once the thrill and excitement of the secret lover or secret relationship is gone, there’s less fire and passion and you have to deal with divorce and the wrecks of what used to be your family. And sometimes it ends up bad.

If you are sure that this is your twinflame, great.

Now try to take a time out and to eliminate that person from your life.

Take a month or two to try and restore the love with your partner at home.

Try to give them for a while the same love, warmth, and affection you are giving to your lover.

Take them to a romantic holiday, even for just one night in a hotel from time to time, buy them small gifts, treat them as they are your lover without expecting to get anything back!

Yes, they will notice the change, they might or not respect you more and treat you better.

Try to disconnect from your lover as hard as it is for 2 months. 

See if there’s any change at home if you are in less need to get something from the outside, because if you gonna get to divorce at some point – you will know that you tried to do everything you can to make this marriage to work.

If you will decide to separate from your husband or wife, you will be complete with the decision – knowing you did it for yourself and not for someone else.

And again – It might be your twin flame and it may not, but if you both decide to break your family – no one promise you that it will be mutual.

No one promise they won’t change their mind at the crucial moment when they realize the consequences.

You should get a divorce when you feel you’re not getting enough from your relationship and when you know things won’t get better after you tried everything you could.

My Twin flame is married to someone else and I am single

If you find the most amazing partner and they are married to someone else, give them the time and space to evaluate their marriage and their partner.

Make sure you’re not just feeling a big emotional lack your partner has as result from a sad lonely marriage life.

I know it’s hard but if you really think that this is your twinflame and it’s a mutual feeling, let them know you will wait for them once they will be available for you – emotionally and physically – no matter how amazing is the sex between you – but do it for yourself because as long as you are the third wheel – no one promise you it won’t end up with a heartbreak.

If this is your true twin flame, trust the universe that they won’t be able to ignore the strong awakening in their soul and that at some point they will leave their marriage, but you don’t want to be the reason for that.

If you need to be together it will happen by itself, but don’t compromise.

If you decided to get divorced 

Good for you, just make sure you are doing that for the right reasons for yourself and not for someone else.

Happiness will come.

If this is your twinflame – they will come at the right time for the relationship to grow.

It won’t be an easy journey but in order to have a relationship with your twinflame and live together, you need to be whole inside and together you will create a new thing.

Sometimes a lover is mistaken to be a twinflame and they are usually soulmates who come to help us or awaken us to start living our life.


All I’m saying is to lower your expectations and make sure you are synced with each other and your goals.

Try to take some time off with your lover for 2-3 days together to see how you work out together when its more than just short meetings for sex.

Don’t rush.

Once you are sure this is your twinflame – do your things and give them time to sort their life too and then allow the universe to lead both of you to the right time and place.

Try to consult an astrologer about the best time to do that change.

Astrologers can predict divorce or marriage or significant relationship so you can know better how valuable this lover is to your life.

Good luck and you can write to me to :



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