Twin Flames Connection explained

The topic of twin flames is frequently misunderstood.

There are various web sites about its topic, with lots of definitions, theories, ponderings, ideals, and even experiences.

Each experience is distinctive, but it’s also pretty confusing.

What’re the basic facts about twin flames connection?

Just what exactly is a twin flame?

Once I first learned about my twin flame, I had no idea what that really meant nor had I ever even heard about the concept.

And, none of the web sites I found really could truly answer even the most elementary question without causing me major confusion.

what is a twin flame?

what’s a soul mate?

Are they the same thing?

I read so numerous different definitions that it boggled my brain.

Their answer was pretty simple: no they’re definitely not the same thing.

There are various kinds of soul mates, but the purpose of a soul mate is the same: they’re made to assist you to learn lessons, regardless of what type of lesson that could be.

These lessons, once learned, will assist the soul to evolve.

Soul mates are all part of a soul group, who contract with one another about which lessons to learn while on the Earth plane. 

Souls in the same soul group can incarnate as your lover, best friend, mother, father, grandparent, sibling, cousin, even your enemy.

You learn your life lessons with the aid of the soul mates in your soul group.

Twin flames are entirely different.

Twin flames are created by a soul, divided into two halves, each half preserves the masculine and female characteristics.

All of us have a twin flame, and no one may have one or more.

They’re the same exact vibration, and frequently have many common interests, qualities, dislikes, and likes, as well as comparable lessons to learn.


When the energies of both flames meet, it’s very vibrant since the souls recognize that bliss of being one.

But, then, it becomes more like a young kid losing interest in their most favored toy.

There’ll be arguments and resistance and in the relationship, regardless of what type of relationship it’s, will fizzle out.

You won’t have one twin who’s Jekyll and another twin that’s Mr.

The vibration is the same and as such can’t lead to wildly opposed energies within an incarnation.

Due to their close connection, the twins are frequently automatically attuned to one another and may experience everything from comparable emotions, cravings, and favored foods to have the same addictions, character flaws, thought patterns and even abilities.

Twin flames are each others mirror image from head to toe, external and internal. 

If it’s rare for twin flames to incarnate on Earth together, how do they actually meet?

When it’s the right time on the soul journey for twin flames to meet each other, the universe will create the terms and conditions that will make this meeting happen.

Usually, twin flames meet each other while one of them is traveling abroad or both, and they meet, and the magic happens with serendipity that surrounding them.

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