Soulmate connection – 11 signs that you have met your soulmate or soulmates in this lifetime

With the growing awareness and energies that we are experiencing in the last few years, we can see a different kind of relationships and people in our life as soulmate or soulmates, with a different vibe than what we use to know in our partnerships so far.

Most people are aware of the fact that there’s a life after death and that we are more than just flesh and blood, and that there are things that we may not be able to understand, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

Soulmate – what is a soulmate? 

Until the discovery of twinflames in the last couple of years, people used to think that finding your soulmate means finding true love.

Well, that’s partly true since soulmate love is true love that has begun in past life with people from our soul family.

You love them and they love you in an unexplained way, but yet, if you’re searching for “the one” or “the other half of your soul” – That’s your Twinflame, and you got only one of that.

When it comes to your soulmate – you can have few or many of them as a romantic partner, your family member, your co-workers, or your best friends.

Our soulmates not always stay here forever and they are here with us to help each other grow, and reach mutual spiritual goals in the journey of the soul ascension.

Soulmate symptoms How you recognize your soulmate? 

Here are some signs that you have found one of your soulmates in this lifetime:

  • You feel that you know each other instantly
    Since you both shared time together in your past life, both of you will start talking and talking like a meeting with an old friend, even if you just met.
  • You and your soulmate care about each other
    Did it ever happen to you that you met someone who got into trouble and you just felt the need to help them even if you don’t know them that well?
    Once you are in connection with your soul mate, you both will care about each other like family members.
  • You can be yourself next to your soulmate
    When you are next to your soulmate, no drama, ego or masks needed. You can feel and read each other and see through everything, so save yourself the lies and stories. There’s acceptance without judgment so you can feel comfortable with your soulmate.
  • The first time you meet your soulmate will happen in special circumstances
    Meeting your soulmate on the first time will usually happen when you least expect it to happen and usually it will be when one or both of you will go somewhere in an unplanned event or the last minute – such as friends meeting or going somewhere by mistake.
  • You and your soulmate got telepathic abilities with each other
    You will discover that you and your soulmates have telepathy such as one is thinking about the other and he’s calling, you were looking at this beautiful clothes and your soulmate bring it to you as a gift, you’re having the same ideas and etc.
  • Your soulmate will enter your life when you need him or her the most
    Did it ever happen to you that you were in a crisis and you just met someone of a friend or a colleague that help you with solutions, support or was there for you with the exact need you had?
  • There’s synchronicity from the universe all around you 
    When you meet your soulmate things start to work out at the right time and the right place, abundance is opening for both of you with opportunities that come to both of you. Things happen easily without any effort.
  • The connection with your soulmate feels like family
    In most cases, our soulmates will be friends or family but sometimes they can be romantic partners. However, that won’t last as a romantic relationship for all of your life but in most cases, you will stay good friends for a long time because this connection is like with a family member, and it’s hard to disconnect from it because it feels like a second home for you.
  • Your soulmate make you feel safe and secure
    If you’re dealing with something hard or having a bad day, your soulmate will always know how to make you feel better about yourself or say the right word you needed to hear to get your happiness and hope back. You can always lean on each other no matter what.
  • Time has no meaning in your relationship with your soulmate
    When you are in a soulmate connection with someone, you will discover that you can share hours, days or weeks together and then get disconnected for years or months without talking or meeting, and once you renew that connection it will feel like you were meeting each other yesterday without any hard feeling or ego involved.
  • You got no jealousy between you and your soulmate
    Even if you were romanticly involved with each other when it’s gonna be the right time to separate, both of you will know that you are better apart. You can stay in the relationship as friends and you will feel no jealousy about your soulmate new partner because you want them to be happy with all of your heart.

As said at the beginning of this article, a lot of people mistake between soulmates and twinflames – which are different things.

You can have few or many soulmates but you can only have one twinflame which will be “the one” that’s you’ve been waiting for all of your life, and that is the best connection in a romantic relationship that you can find.

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