Twin Flames sexuality distance – Twin flames intimacy

When two twin flames meet each other, a sacred union is happening.

Two parts of one soul, are reuniting,
and that creates sparks and big massive energy connection in many dimensions and levels.

This is the reason why intimacy and sexuality between twinflames,
is one of the most talks about things when it comes to twin flames relationship.

Twin flames are being created, when the soul is being sent to the physical 3rd dimension.
The soul splits into 2 parts so that each part can ascend and grow and learn its lessons on earth.

Once the souls have reached the right time and process of evolvement, they will meet on earth in a meeting that will change their life forever.

A twin flame encounter is like meeting your other half,
and prior to this meeting,
you will get signs from the universe and new ideas will come to your mind,
regarding love, and emotional connection.

So, when twin flame souls connect and reunite after year, decades or few past lives, for the very first time in their life they feel complete.

They feel that they’re searching for the right partner has come to an end, and that they have reach home.

 Twin Flames sexuality distance – Twin flames intimacy – how it feels

I can share that when I’ve had intimacy with my partner since I’m quite a spiritual person,
and very connected to energies, I saw a vortex that unites our souls together,
and both of us felt like we’re about to explode, and this was very intense energy.

This energy also left us charged with a crazy never-ending passion for each other,
and my partner which usually can have sex once a day found himself awake for me,
and had 5-6 times of sex every day with me!

This twinflames sexuality will your body energy regenerate, Your kundalini awake and alive,
and it’s been one of the most amazing sexual experiences I had.

It’s like you and your twin flame are synced at all levels and you can’t get enough of each other.
Your chakras are awakened and sync with your partner’s chakra.
and if you are sensitive enough, you can feel this chakra’s connection,
and it’s so deep and strong in a way you can’t ignore it.

Your ego will disappear in a twin flames connection

Once there’s twinflames connection, there’s no ego, boundaries, fear or games.

You can feel safe to let the real you to go outside and meet the other person,
and so does he.

This is what makes the whole difference between twinflames connection and soulmates or regular connection.

So, if you found your twin flame, you are so lucky, because this union is quite rare,
and not all people on earth in this era get to have this.

Enjoy it while it lasts, appreciate the other person and the blessing he has brought into your life.

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